During 2009 we are replacing our entire IT infrastructure.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

The 'before' shots! Lean on me (I dare you!)...

Well, I guess it's time to show off some 'before' shots to give you an idea of what we're up against.

Working in IT, I have visions of clearly documented equipment and configurations, neatly laid cabling, fiber patching that isn't in danger of being damaged by straying hands, floors that are clean and tidy, servers that are logically laid out, etc, etc, blah, blah...

As you can see from the following photos, this is not currently the case. But we're on the case! Bear in mind we have had a MASSIVE clear out and have spent lots of time really pushing the boat out with tidying and consolidation. The idea was: get all the servers we actually use into a small space, turn off the ones we don't use and dispose of them appropriately. Some old ones are absorbed into our test network (if they're good enough), some are given the proverbial 'axe'.

The photos, running in no particular order, illustrate the following:

Data Room - patch panels with switching gear (no routing used currently at all) and fiber patching.
Server Room - patch panels with core switching gear and fiber, servers, storage, backup solutions, lots of spare frames and space.

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